I Won 4 Billion in a Lottery But I Went to Another World

Takarakuji de 40 Oku Atattanda kedo Isekai ni Ijuusuru
I Won 4 Billion in a Lottery But I Went to Another World

This is the Free Web Novel Version. Not the Light Novel. 間違えてはいけません!
Author: Susunokikuro すずのくろ
Read the Original Japanese Here
Support the Author: Buy the Volume1Volume 2Volume3Volume 4, Volume 5, Volume 6
Or search the ISBN in other online shop or bookstore.
Volume 1 ISBN: 978-4-575-75001-0
Volume 2 ISBN: 978-4-575-75014-0
Volume 3 ISBN: 978-4-575-75036-2
Volume 4 ISBN: 978-4-575-75056-0
Volume 5 ISBN: 978-4-575-75076-8
Volume 6 ISBN: 978-4-575-75105-5

Volume 1 Cover Image (Valetta and Kazura)
Volume 2 Cover Image (Top: Zirconia Below: Lieze and Kazura)
Volume 3 Cover Image (Kazura, Valetta and Tractor-chan)
Volume 4 Cover Image (Isaac, Kazura, Zirconia)

Web Novel Synopsis
To evade the hyenas that smelled the scent of his money, Kazura took refuge on an old residence that had been handed down from generation to generation.
When Kazura was investigating the place that would become his shelter, he stumbled on a certain room where it was possible to go into and back from another world.
The Culture and Technology level of that world was relatively low. The protagonist sometimes brought goods, sometimes brought technological knowledge.
At that world, he would find his true value as a person.

Other Language Version:
Thai Language (ภาษาไทย)
French Language
Spanish Language also Spanish Language
Russian Language (I agree with the Russian team, Billionaire in Another World is a nice alternative shorter title)

(Story Arc name and number is purely Yukkuri Oniisan's own invention, not the author Susunokikuro-sensei)
(Supporting Character Official Illustration)
Arc 1: Saviour
Chapter 1 - The Good Stuff (Larvyde)
Chapter 6 - Fortunate Rain (Larvyde)
Arc 2: Blessings
Chapter 8 - The Best Reward 
Chapter 9 - Noria and Marathon
Chapter 10 - Wasn't a Lie
Chapter 12 - Field and God
Chapter 13 - For the Sake of Future
Chapter 14 - Massage and Study
Arc 3: Journey
Chapter 16 - Travelling to Isteria
Chapter 21 - Ojou-sama Dilemma
Arc 4: Truth and Lie

Arc 5: Revelation
Chapter 29 - Prejudice
Chapter 30 - From the Rock's Shadow
Chapter 31 - Visitor of Fate
Chapter 32 - A God or Criminal?
Chapter 33 - Strategic Bargaining
Chapter 34 - Preparation for Departure
Arc 6 : Assistance
Chapter 35 - The Time with the Army
Chapter 38 - Satiety and Hunger
Chapter 39 - Meeting with the Lord
Chapter 40 - Tools and Knowledge
Chapter 42 - Looking Forward
Chapter 43 - Prey
Chapter 46 - Anxiety and Hope
Chapter 47 - The Precious One
Chapter 48 - Invincible General
Arc 7 : Return
Chapter 50 - Love and Strength
Chapter 51 - Why?

Arc 8 : Power
Chapter 56 - Hungry Recommendation
Chapter 57 - The Crops Effect
Chapter 59 - Clary Sage
Chapter 61 - Fascinating Proposal
Chapter 62 - Food Advisory

Arc 9 : Again, In the City
Chapter 63 - Fuel Supply
Chapter 64 - The Work's Atmosphere
Chapter 67 - Reason for Fixation
Chapter 70 - Bonds of Obligations

Arc 10 : Patron and Weeds
Chapter 76 - Late Night Tea Party
Chapter 78 - The Perfect Advocate
Chapter 79 - Divine Soldier
Chapter 80 - Asking For The Best
Chapter 81 - Bedrock Crushing Plan
Chapter 82 - A Peaceful Fine Day
Chapter 83 - Mass Consumer
Chapter 84 - Honorable Customer
Chapter 85 - Looking at Tomorrow
Chapter 87 - More Haste, Less Speed

Arc 11: Past, Present, Future
Chapter 90 - The Reference Room
Chapter 96 - Placeholder
Chapter 97 - Placeholder
Chapter 98 - Placeholder
Chapter 99 - Placeholder
Chapter 100 - Placeholder
Chapter 101 - Placeholder
Chapter 102 - Placeholder
Chapter 103 - Placeholder
Chapter 104 - Placeholder
Chapter 105 - Placeholder
Chapter 106 - Placeholder
Chapter 107 - Placeholder
Chapter 92 - Placeholder
Chapter 92 - Placeholder
Chapter 92 - Placeholder
Chapter 92 - Placeholder


  1. 1st !!! :D
    thx for continue translating the LN form larvyde.

    1. I translated the WN version though...
      Don't really know what the difference to LN, that is....

    2. The difference is that he ends up with the Noble girl in the other one

    3. Wow. Thou hast dropped it like it was nobodies business, I don't know if I should applaud thou or cruse thee. To curse or not to curse for it is such sweet sorrow, the bliss of ignorance amidst the joy of knowing.

    4. but both the LN and WN is still continuing. how can he end up with someone already?

    5. Why not go to the polygamy harem route? Dang it...

    6. What are you talking about? Most Novels have polygamies these days and its getting annoying. Can't an author think of a decent romance? Lol

    7. That's why it's Harem genre, if thou want romance With only one person then harem is not what thou seek.

    8. Hmm... I don't believe it. I don't think that author-san will have Kazura-san getto another waifu than Valetta.
      It's obviously Valetta for the win !
      It would be pretty dumb from him to ship Kaura and the spoiled Ojou-san.

    9. If it was a 'romance' story without polygamy, then he would have dated Valetta, gotten her pregnant, then broken up with her. Then he would have had a 1 night stand with the noble girl and never saw her again. Then he would go back to Valetta and live with his child for a while... until both of them died in the war and he would have a fling with a maid at some point. Basically, 'romance' stories are about sluts and people with 0 commitment. Harems on the other hand... Well, in Japan, harems usually just refer to a story where the MC is a guy and he likes a bunch of girls who also like him back... but no one ever has sex and everyone dies unhappy lol.

    10. Thou hast made Harem sound attractive

    11. is anyone going to further translate this, if so thank you.

  2. oh seems interesting and the girl in the cover look's like saber for some reason.

  3. oh finally somebody took this novel ! :D

  4. Thanks to ato yoroshikuonegaishimasu

  5. So you're translating the wn, cause somebody from https://holdxandclick.wordpress.com/ translated the ln. And i dont want anymore misunderstanding like with moonbunny and clown translating ln and wn version of tensei slime

    1. Yup the WN. I even had link to the original at ncode.syosetu.com.
      Well... I think it obvious...
      But just in case... I just change the description.

  6. Thanks for picking it up ! Already bookmarked your blogspot, been waiting for an update since last month.

  7. Thanks for translating this novel!!! Its very interesting

  8. Don't waste ur time on this crap! The MC is a pussy as usual in Jap novels. Such dissapointmant. If it were me i would fuck the beautiful chif's daughter on the spot! WTF MC u are such a coward ! I don't know how this can even be readable for men!

    1. You force your love to a girl without building some feeling and even at first time meeting? That's what I called "Rape", and honestly this story is quite good. He's triggering the flags for the girls with the intention of doing it while at the same time helping the village.
      If you into rape or "forced love" genre story, I believe you should stop reading this WN or any similar stories

    2. Well I really don't know how did this guy even find this light novel

    3. Same as everyone else (I think). Almighty Google.

  9. Thanks for the translation!! Great LN!

  10. Hey it's the author twitter here
    @suzunoki_kuro if you want to know the author mote

  11. Awww. I wish the translations for Takarakuji Sppeeds up

    1. Umm... Sorry for that... Chapter 27 is in editing and I just started translating 28 (it will take about 3 days).

  12. 10 and 14 canot be oppened.......

  13. solve the problem by opening next chapter from TOC and go back to previous one.
    i think the problem is in the link in TOC

    1. The problem had been fixed. Thanks for pointing it out.

  14. And thanks for translating this guy's really appreciate your work .

  15. Just discovered this amazing work and I wanted to thank you for your translations.
    Really, thank you so much! Keep the good work!!

  16. Is everything ok with the editor? Seems like it has been over two weeks since the last update. Does he need any help?

    1. The previous editor had RL chasing after him and had been brutally caught...
      So I asked a help from a (temporary) editor to do the next 3 chapters... Expect Chapter 30 in the near future

    2. A unedited would be nice too.

      Ps. I had to create a gmail account since it wouldn't let me comment otherwise :(

    3. Hell, I'll help you edit a couple chapter too while he comes back.

  17. Hi Yuukuri Oniisan, I was thinking about making a french translation of Takarakuji. Is it okay if translate from your work.

    Ah, and I already asked Larvyde and they agreed.

    1. Of course you can. This is from fan, by fan, to fan project after all...
      Please also leave the link, so I can put it in this page so others can find it.

    2. Will do, thank you for the permission.

    3. There is still much to do here is the link for the french translation :


      P.S : Is it sad if I spoiled myself while searching for the Light Novel illustrations ? Because I think it is and I'm shedind tears of blood...

  18. How many arcs are there? I hope it isn't just 6

  19. When chapter 38 will be added?

    1. When it get edited... Please wait patiently... This is a busy month after all...

  20. Chapter 38 - Satiety and Hunger

    Chapter 39 - Meeting with the Lord They are edited but not posted. Why?

    1. Because third pass reading (comparing edited text to RAW and correcting any mistranslation that I made on first pass reading) took time...
      Sorry for this,,,

  21. Is the LN translated in any way?

  22. when chapter 40 finish translated ?

  23. i wait new chapter thank you for hardworking

  24. Spanish Translation in:

    Chapter 7 will be added tonight

  25. Russian Translation: https://ranobki.wordpress.com/1644-2/

  26. I just have to say that I love this damn novel and I beg you to continue translating it as nothing of Japanese and I'm too lazy to learn

    1. he translates 1 per week as always.
      But the editor.... editor-sama takes too long. Or is death... or plays to much.

      I mean they dont get paid, so it's to expected that they're not always fully invested into it.

      ..japanese is easy.
      Kanji moonglpyhs... are not.

      I can understand spoken japanese already quite well.
      Cramming kanji atm... for my job switch for a few months with a new japanese coworker. ...HArd...

  27. hello
    following chapter is when ?

  28. Did your editor go missing?

  29. Judging from those cover pictures, I had thought that Lieze would be slightly older than Valetta but it's actually the other way around. Valetta is 15 while Lieze is only 14.

  30. gracias por su trabajo de traducir una gran historia sigan asi

  31. No updates on edits... makes Anyon crazy.
    No updates on edits... makes Anyon crazy.
    No updates on edits... makes Anyon crazy.
    No updates on edits... makes Anyon crazy.
    No updates on edits... makes Anyon crazy.
    No updates on edits... makes Anyon crazy.
    No updates on edits... makes Anyon crazy.
    No updates on edits... makes Anyon crazy.
    No updates on edits... makes Anyon crazy.

    Truly q.q!

    1. https://s31.postimg.org/ihglk0kwb/hey.png

      No threat. It's a drama outfit xD.
      Was reading that manga and found it to cute, not to ad lib it xD. That http://bato.to/comic/_/comics/kaguya-wants-to-be-confessed-to-the-geniuses-war-of-love-and-brains-r17274

  32. I remember someting about a ballista, thieves, taking the first time of the chief daughter.... Is the same novel?

  33. hey there yukkuri, interested on taking new project?
    Nobunaga Imoutou seems interesting,
    really hope u will take this LN as the next translation project, xD

  34. So I'm somewhat confused are you doing the LN and Hachidora TL is doing the WN or vice versa?

    1. As what I stated.
      This is the Free Web Novel Version. Not the Light Novel.

      Although I want to migrate to LN version, I think I want to finish the web novel first...... (also I am afraid of DMCA). I only do LN version on things that didn't have the RAW any more (being deleted on syosetsu). As Takarakuji still have its RAW accessible to public, I will keep doing WN version.

  35. hola ya vieron que salio el manga de esta novela http://i.imgur.com/i79rZoN.jpg

  36. I hope this translation project will continue~

  37. hi. i want to know where i can read this WN chapter 1 to chapter 7? it's seem those chapters can't be open.

    1. At Larvyde site. I have provide the link for you in the table of content.
      If you can't open it then you might have problem with wordpress. Check your browser.

  38. When will chapter 74 be available?

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Por ahi lei que algo le ocurre a ala protagonista, entonces, que es loque le sucede?

  41. When will chapter 80 be available?

  42. Looks like you'll need to call in Ace Ventura!

  43. I want to thank you for your updates. But I am curious as to the status of this novel's translation. On chapter 90 it was mentioned that new chapter would be released in October. It is now November, I understand things come up it happens so could you please give an update or a time frame the next release. Thank you and I hope to see more of this series soon.

  44. Just so everyone here knows, the manga version is being translated over at Batoto:

  45. OMG I need more of this in my life

  46. Hello me again I want to thank you for translation such a great series, but I am still wondering when the next update is. I understand that translation work must be a difficult and time consuming process and I don't know what personal issues have come up in the meantime but could you please give us an update on the future of this series just to let us know if it will continue. Thank you for your time and I hope you are doing well.

  47. Thank you for keeping trans this :))))

  48. Thanks for all the work.
    I just wanted to tell you if I can use your translation. I am from Peru and I wanted to translate this novel into Spanish, please.

  49. Hi, I would like to know if you are going to get more chapters since I am eager to read more

  50. please update :")

  51. no more updates? pls help

  52. wah finally the manga is released

  53. Thanks for the great work Oniisan.
    Didn't discover this ln till now.

    The mc's name is bothering me though.

    "Kazura dewanai, Katsura da!"

    Is something I always imagine.

  54. Hey thanks for the translations hopefully you're just taking a break since I am really enjoying reading this project.

  55. Thanks for good translation, i enjoy this WN very much! Are u taking a break or don't wanna to continue?If it's the former-can u tell when u would continue?

    1. if u have financial problems, how 'bout creating a campain (smth like "PLZ SUPPORT US WE NEED FOOD TO GO ON TRANSLATING! 10$ AND HERE IS YOUR CHAPTER! "),well smth like that, lol)

  56. You have done such an excellent job with the story and I truely hope your real job isn't too busy . I look forward to seeing the next installment . Kind regards tishaloki

    1. Vider:February 18, 2019 at 12:09 PM

      Yukkuri-San is dead, i hear he is victim of earthquake and tsunami in palu.


    2. There is update from 24 august 2019 on this site
      Earthquake and tsunami Palu on 28 September 2018.....

    3. I think hes still alive lol. Check here https://forum.novelupdates.com/members/yukkuri-oniisan.1965/

  57. Can I take a little of your time?
    sorry if you do not understand me, is that I use google-trad

    I'm the representative of megasversion.wordpress
    a page of translation of novels into Spanish and we are translating, I Won 4 Billion in a Lottery But I Went to Another World, Only for pleasure without profit and I wanted to know, can you change your referring page from the novel to Spanish?

  58. Did something happen to Yukkuri that make her stop translating or has it been moved somewhr?

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  61. is either the web novel or the light novel still being worked on...i would love to read more of this
