Translator Corner
This is Yukkuri
DISCLAIMER: There is no
guarantee that my translation is 100% correct. Please correct me if I was
The Terribly Lazy Translator:
Yukkuri Oniisan
All Hail the Editor:
Interlude 2
Bulletin Board’s Verification
Thread ’s “This and That” First Offline Verification Meeting
【The IP?】My home went to another world? Verification Thread
part 4 【The Mysterious Restoration?】
1 : Cool NEET
Were the information, photos,
and videos that Yuuji uploaded really from another world? Is it an edited image
or CG? This is a thread to verify these theories.
The mystery of the video’s
sound and if Alice-chan is an actress, is a fact that no one could verify.
The chat and the latest
information from Yuuji is on the previous thread.
It’s prohibited to repost.
The source thread:
【hungry?】I finally came out after 10 years, but my home kinda went into another
world Part 12【NO BORDER】
The photos and videos that Yuuji
The next thread will be opened
by the one who posts the >>950th
211 : Yuuji
Is this the place?
I have come
212 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
Yuuji arrived in this brutal
213 : Anonymous MEAT
Like a summer bug flying into
the flame!
It’s already autumn, though.
214 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
Do you enjoy this?
Do you enjoy recklessly being
215 : Anonymous ETNE
Quick, the main issue!
Quick, hammer in the usual
words at Yuuji!
216 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
It’s alright, since the
address is unknown
217 : Well-Informed NEET
No, in this case,
wouldn’t it be better since Yuuji
knows the address?
218 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
No need to speak willy-nilly, just begin typing now!
219 : z&r5tfv)b*hu”i9o$k
Like this?
Ah, this is Yuuji
220 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
Was zur Hölle is this……
221 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
Your name only changed into a text
Are you really sure you did it
222 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
You guys…
Yuuji is also cooperating
So there’s no trap
Type the command
223 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
But does Yuuji know about the
224 : Yuuji
Please tell me how to do it
Also will this be okay?
It won’t break my computer,
225 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
It is alright
If you’re worried, you can
learn from googling
226 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
You use normal Windows, right?
Start → All Programs → Accessories → Command Prompt
Do you understand up to this
227 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
I have become excited!
228 : Anonymous ETNE
Is there any excitement…?
I know that I don’t know!
229 : Anonymous MEAT
It isn’t only limited to the
source thread
But this thread is also filled
with deviants (hentai)
The species is different,
230 : Yuuji
>> 226
I have done them all
Next is?
231 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
>> 230
now the real deal
type this in half-width characters[1]
and press enter
wait for a moment
if 「Trace is completed」 is displayed
take a screenshot and attach
232 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
You guys also attach your
233 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
Don’t be deceived!
It won’t just be a peeping
234 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
In a sense, I have no doubt
that you are a hero
235 : Yuuji
It’s done, like this?
How is it?
236 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
This guy!
He really did it!
237 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
Eh? What is this?
What can you know from this?
Please tell me, Oh Great
238 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
It’s another garbled text
239 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
If we can know the network
route from a host to another host
Then we can see the IP address
or the remote host
Then we can also know the
internet provider and the area where he lives
If he accesses from a company
or a school, then we can even know his real name
240 : Anonymous ETNE
Isn’t Yuuji a daredevil!
So, what we do know?
241 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
Yuuji’s hostname and IP
address are garbled text strings
The route is also a garbled
text string
Is this possible?
Then how can he be connected?
242 : Camera Ossan
The screenshot image does not
seem to be edited
Although it is possible for an
professional expert
to tamper with white text on
dark background
it would take a lot of time
243 : Yuuji
How is it?
Do you know something?
244 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
I know that I don’t know a
If he is pretending to be an amateur,
this is too elaborate shit
245 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
Seriously, WTF is this…
Is he by any chance really in
another world?
631 : Cool NEET
There are many things still
But hitherto we haven’t found
anything that can be denied
632 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
This is taking too much time
and effort just to be luring viewers
I decided to believe this
633 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
It is too early!?
Maybe he could have prepared for
this for many years!
634 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
He’s right
“This is too early” comrade!
Hasn’t this still not been confirmed
to be real?!
After all, I want to live in
another worldddddd‼
635 : Yuuji
This is the report about the
matter of the house that you asked me for.
・Consumable goods : consumed
like usual
・Mysterious barrier :
It is still unknown from the
peddler’s story
Even if I want to test it,
there are no other people…
・The House’s Mysterious
Restoration :
The house’s inner walls and
outer walls, the prefab storeroom, garage and gate would be repaired after
The garden is irreparable.
Even now, the scorched mark didn’t disappear
The furniture, light bulbs and
kitchen utensils would also irreparable
The electronics and computer,
I don’t know
or rather, I don’t have the
nerve to damage them…
636 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
Eh? …
Then what about the toilet??
637 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
>> 636
Oh you are a newcomer
He already said that he cleaned
it with water using the toilet’s butt cleaning function and wiped it with towel
Do a proper ROM over the past
chat logs
638 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
>> 637
This guy is unexpectedly kind
639 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
You can lightly scratch the
casing, right?
This won’t break it
640 : Anonymous ETNE
>> 639
A genius appeared!
641 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
After all we only checked the
wall by denting it
It got restored right?
We also only lightly damaged
the gate
642 : Yuuji
I see!
I will scratch it a bit using
10 yen coin!
643 : Anonymous MEAT
Don’t forget the camera,
644 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
Since camera had the fixed
It should be a video; Video
645 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
>> 642
Yuuji quickly chose a 10 yen
Is this possibly a common
711 : Yuuji
【Sad News】
The refrigerator, washer, air
conditioner, and every other electronic
Didn’t get repaired after
damaging the exterior
Even the computer
712 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
>> 711
713 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
Is this a serious problem?
714 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
Well it is alright even
without the others, but…
How many years is the lifetime
of a computer?
715 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
My 95 Machine is still
716 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
Depends on luck
When it has to run, it does
When it doesn’t, it doesn’t
717 : Cool NEET
Gas, electricity and water
services are usable
So it’s just maintenance of 「The function of the buildings inside the house plot」?
This is just no more than my own
thoughts though.
718 : Anonymous ETNE
Yuuji, the computer is also
the House’s function!
Just think of it like that!
719 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
>> 717
That’s probable
If this is really another
720 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
>> 717
That’s why it repels people or
things that want to damage 「The function of the buildings
inside the house plot」?
Even for this hypothesis, we
don’t know the evaluation criteria
721 : Well- Informed NEET
Then you need to act and print
the useful information that you want
But then there’s the problem
of paper and ink……
For now, do a back up
At least, you can save it with
the camera
722 : Yuuji
I will take pictures using the
For now print those related to
preserved foods
Also for now I’ll try to keep
this in mind
I feel uneasy, though
723 : Infrastructure Worker
Well, I think since there is
still time to prepare
You better do it quickly
You are fortunate that it
didn’t happen suddenly, right Yuuji?!
724 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
As expected from a winner
He has different way of
【Source thread】 Yuuji Related Thread
Community Offline Meeting Convention part 1 【Verification thread community】
1 : Sakura’s Friend
This is a community thread for
the information of the Yuuji related thread offline meeting convention.
The chat and Yuuji’s latest
information is on the source thread. Whether it is lies or truth is on the
verification thread.
It’s prohibited to repost.
The source thread:
【Even the long winter】I finally came out after 10
years, but my home kinda went into another world Part 19【will end soon】
The verification thread:
【Halfhearted】My home went to another world? Verification Thread
part 9【Can you believe it?】
The collection of photos and
videos that Yuuji uploaded
The next thread will be set
when I sponsor the next meeting
2 : Sakura’s Friend
Convention Date April
Rendezvous Point JR
Utsunomiya Station West Exit, in front of Gyouza Statue[2],
at 15.00
Convention Location Yuuji’s Former House Site
※ Points to Note
・Camping in Yuuji’s Former
House Site
The convention day, is the day
where Yuuji’s house is transported to another world 2 years ago.
There is a possibility to be
transported to another world at night
If you want to stay, please have
bring your own luggage before participating
・Yuuji’s Imouto Sakura and her
husband, George (American) will be staying
Her attorney lawyer-sensei
will be the host, I’m sorry but I will return mid-way
・The maximum number of people
that will be participating in Camping at Yuuji’s Former House Site will be
limited to 30 people
For the people who leave
mid-way, return at the end or don’t want to face the risk of transported to
another world:
Please arrange the lodging
location yourself
3 : Anonymous ETNE
>> 1
It’s festival‼
4 : Anonymous MEAT
I must participate
5 : Infrastructure Worker
Sakura’s Friend-chan!
I will be sad if you forget
about me!
Alright you guys, I will amply
guide you lot in my hometown!
6 : Anonymous NEET
Is this serious!?
If this goes well, will we get
transported to another world!?
7 : YES Lolita NO Touch
Of course I will participate!
What to bring to Alice-chan for
gifts, I wonder~
8 : Infrastructure Worker
>> 7
Read the Points to Note
There is a lawyer-sensei on
the site you know
9 : Anonymous NEET
>> 8
No, if there are too many participants
Then I better make friends
with sensei, right?
10 : Overwhelmingly Dog-Person
I give up on participating
There are those depending on
me in my house
Since there are the dogs
I’m so sorry Kotarou!
11 : Camera Ossan
I cancelled my current job
Instead I will be present as
the photographer
I will load the necessary
spare parts and consumable goods for Yuuji in my car
12 : Verifying Thread’s Video Detective
>> 11
Since I will go with rental
video equipments
will I really get transported
to another world?
If I am gone then I won’t have
problems with borrowing without returning!
But if I am not get
transported then I will be worried about the rental cost!
Maybe I will do a net relay
broadcast at the house site
13 : Sakura’s Friend
I have said this before but
Even if you place things or
stay at Yuuji’s former house site
you won’t be transported
But on the meeting day…
Don’t bring your hopes up too
much, though…
14 : Cool NEET
I will participate
>> 13
Well, it doesn’t mean that
everyone in here really believes the story about being transported to another world
They just only want to gather,
15 : Well-Informed NEET
I will participate
What should I bring, huh?
Well, I need to prepare many
things from now
16 : Anonymous NEET
>> 12
Since I am far away, it will
be hard to participate…
I will enjoy the net
So I will participate in the
17 : Infrastructure Worker
Wait! Everyone, wait! Wait!
Is it alright if the meeting
time is 15 o’clock?
You are visiting Utsunomiya,
you know?
The first group gathers at 11
I will treat you to delicious
18 : Anonymous NEET
I want to go
But I am a hikiNEET so my
19 : Anonymous NEET
>> 18
I know
I also want to go
It is alright if it’s the
people from the thread
But I am afraid to go and the
20 : Camera Ossan
>> 18-19
Where do you guys live?
I am using a car so I can pick
you up as long as you’re around the Capital Area
since the opening of Ken-Ou
Expressway it is easy to go anywhere
After all it is a big minivan
For now I will just expose my
21 : Anonymous NEET
How will we travel from the
station to the site?
Also I also want to purchase
many things to be used in another world
Are there any Home Centers or
22 : Infrastructure Worker
>> 21
Are you stupid?!
It is a suburb town!
Of course Home Center!
Doesn’t not exist!
23 : Sakura’s Friend
>> 18
Don’t mind too much about the
As long as it’s clean then I
think it is alright
Since around here, there are
people who are normally get outside while wearing a jersey
My friends worked in Uniclo
and Shimamura[3],
should I buy it together for you?
If you have 10000 yen and let me
buy it then I think it is enough to purchase two sets of normal clothes
>> 21
We plan to travel by rental
car or microbus
If there is a high number of
participants then I will ask my friend to lend a bus
Sakura will support the cost
for these!
Of course we have Home Center
and Supermarket
24 : Anonymous NEET
>> 22,23
Does that Home Center sell
electric generators?
Suitable arms, perhaps will be
chosen from Amazon
Also I need to prepare a computer’s
main unit and parts from electronic store
25 : Anonymous NEET
>> 23
What’s with that clothing
purchase system?
Even a shy taciturn person is
You won’t cheat us, right?
26 : Infrastructure Worker
In my hometown there are many
comparatively helpful nee-san type women you know!
Well they lack grace, though
They will dominate you after
27 : Sakura’s Friend
>> 25
Since it’s my friend, it will
be alright!
If there is something you need
even after buying the clothes, then inform me
Buying the clothes before
or even just for a talk
or just asking for
don’t hesitate to tell me so
28 : Cool NEET
It has become a bit disorderly
I want to add 1 point
Convention Date April 12~13
Rendezvous Point JR Utsunomiya Station West Exit,
in front of Gyouza Statue
※ Be careful not to mix it up
with Tobu Utsunomiya Station[4]
Meeting Time
First Group : 11.00 Gyoza Tour (Managed by :
Infrastructure Worker)
Second Group : 13.00 Clothing Purchase Tour
(Managed by: Sakura’s Friend)
Third Group : 13.00 Home Center Tour (Merged
with First Group. Managed by: Infrastructure Worker)
All Group : 15.00 All groups meet and
head to Yuuji’s former house site
Detached Group : Camera Ossan’s Car Group. Confirm the
meeting time with each other
How about this?
The people who will join the
Detached Car Group, please name yourselves
29 : This is Gunji
This is Sakura-san’s attorney
Just now Sakura-san received an
e-mail from Yuuji
Let me paraphrase the contents
of the mail
・Yuuji-san is being cheered-up
and helped by everyone
・He will cover the travel
expenses for the participating hikikomori or NEET people who have money problems
・If this event could become
their chance in life, then he is happy
・I want Gunji-san (that is me)
to greet the people who arrive in Utsunomiya
・From the convention day until
the next morning, Yuuji will wait for everyone’s arrival
That is the contents
I will also leave my mail
So please mail me if you are
participating but have difficulty paying the travelling express fees for the one
way trip
30 : Anonymous MEAT
Is this for real?!
31 : Anonymous ETNE
Hey-hey, you are good, Yuuji!
32 : Anonymous NEET
What is this
I have hunch that there are extremely
good words
But I am not moved at all...perhaps?
33: Anonymous NEET
>> 32
I want to read the original
But reading the original text
after this is…
34 : Sakura’s Friend
Everyone, I gave you a warning
Gunji-sense is a 50 year old
honest lawyer
But he also really likes fantasy
and has a mischievous side
He had tried to camp in
Yuuji’s former house site after receiving Sakura’s permission for the sake of
travelling to another world
If there are those who want to
participate but have difficulty with travelling expenses, then feel free to
contact him
On the other hand, he is a
serious active lawyer
If he doesn’t, then he won’t
do something like camping…
In case you try to cheat the
money from him, then it is possible that he will perform legal measures
Well, I believe this is what
you would expect from a lawyer…
Since he is a honest
dependable lawyer, please do not worry!
35: Anonymous NEET
What to do…
36: Cool NEET
Since I have a car
Then I will try to go, if it
is a fail then I will return
Won’t it be nice to see
everyone’s appearances inside the car while responding the bulletin board?
I think everyone will have the
same circumstances
37: Anonymous NEET
Except for the groups with
Infrastructure Worker and Sakura-chan!
38: Camera Ossan
Excuse me if I asking about work
Yuuji become a
Japanese internet phenomena with convention and the likes… Hahahaha
It won’t be strange
if someday NEETs will do annual convention in Yuuji’s former house site.
[1] There are
two alphanumeric character in Japanese IME, full-width like ABC123 and
half-width like ABC123. Read this for more information
![]() |
Utsunomiya residents sure love their Gyoza |
Both are shops that sell cheap casual
clothes. If you read Hataraku Maou-sama you will recognize Uniclo as the brand of Maou Sadao's clothes
Thanks for the chapter (bow)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the new chapter!
ReplyDeleteThanks :)
ReplyDelete"The convention day, is the day where Yuuji’s house is transported to another world 2 years ago."
eh 2 years passed already? or is there a chapter that said Yuuji's house transport earlier and he realised it later?
There is quite a time skip.
Delete【hungry?】I finally came out after 10 years, but my home kinda went into another world Part 12【NO BORDER】
【Even the long winter】I finally came out after 10 years, but my home kinda went into another world Part 19【will end soon】
Part 12 --> Part 19
Quite some time passed
1st Spring : Transported
1st Summer : Eating deadly mushroom
1st Autumn : ALICE!
1st Winter : Boar!!!
2nd Spring : Adventurer! Kevin!
2nd Summer : Kevin! Part 2!
2nd Autumn : ???
2nd Winter : ???
3rd Spring : Bulletin board happens (see the title of Part 19: 【Even the long winter】【will end soon】: So the winter is already close to over), so 2 years already passed.
Elementary my dear Watson-kun.
Deleteah I see. thanks for the explaination
DeleteThanks for the chapter desu!!
ReplyDeleteWow this is will be reduced NEET and hikikomori from japan if they are really got transported :D lol
Even if only one of them gets transported, it will increase Japan"s vagrancy rate, or camping, as all the neet get out and try to disappear.
DeleteThanks! Nepu!!
( ・ω・)=つ≡つ🔥
(っ ≡つ=つ🔥
`/ )
the cliche plot is nothing happens... but it would be amazing if they got transported lol
ReplyDeletewhat happen if only their stuff get transported, it may be more interesting if a selectied few get transported
DeleteExciting things happening in near future huh~
ReplyDeletehopefully something happens, but not all of em will be transferred but only a select few. like attorney-san or sakura's friend
ReplyDeleteor that infrastructure guy.
Sakura's friend is a mother and is not going to risk leaving her children so she is bugging out early.
DeleteThanks for the chapter. I really love these thread chapters.
ReplyDeleteHmm, and so anyone here got transported too?
ReplyDeleteYuuji's purpose is to give reasons HikiNEETS to live the house!
ReplyDeleteThnx for the interlude~ Nanodesu~
Maybe there is a requirement for transportation. Like, they need to be able to use magic and level up. Though it wouldn't explain why the house and yard (and the monastery) were transported as well.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chapter.
ReplyDeleteI was concerned about the fact that the computer could just go dark suddenly and he would be really screwed.
It's the 2nd year anniversary Yuuji! Get your ass and camera outside to get a video of the big bird thing!
" 242 : Camera Ossan
ReplyDeleteThe screenshot image does not seem to be edited
Although it is possible for an professional expert
to tamper with white text on dark background
it would take a lot of time"
He apparently hasn't heard of the echo command. Faking output from a command screen prompt is very easy.
from what i can tell barely any of these guys are NEETS
Not in
Employment or
of course if they do get transported to that world, they could be classified as a NEET at that point
Pls note that those who have jobs that society do not consider a job is still a NEET.
Delete241 : Verifying Anonymous NEET
ReplyDeleteYuuji’s hostname and IP address are garbled text strings
The route is also a garbled text string
Is this possible?
Then how can he be connected?
I somehow expected it to say "GOD" or something amongst the garbled text :D
It would be pretty amusing if 30 questionable people arrived in the new world with all modern gizmos and stuff :P It could evolve this story a bit further, maybe they'll make a village or something in the forest, haha.
Thanks for the chapter.